Just Who Are We Anyway?
The PT Chamber Community
Welcome to the PT Chamber, the driving force behind the local business community for over 65 years! As the Executive Director, I am honored to work with our dedicated members, residents, schools, local government, non-profits, and elected officials.
Our goal is to create a thriving business environment and to serve the community in every way possible. We constantly strive to serve you better. Your showcase on our website, a go-to community resource as people search for a new restaurant, financial institution, healthcare provider, or retailer, gives your customers easy access to your information.

Executive Director
Amy Petro
Kelly Caldwell

Headshot photos are courtesy of MW Photography • mwpicture.com – 412-539-5505
Board Members
HDG Architects
Mark Duane
Vice Chairman
Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP
Marne Babich
Escape Room South
Missy Harding
Washington Financial Bank
Nan Campbell
Beinhauer Family Funeral Homes
Scott Beinhauer
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Rob Anders
Presbyterian Senior Care Network
Tara Gleason
Miller’s Ace Hardware
Greg Gold
Dollar Bank
Jeff Bixler
Nonprofit Sidekick!
Stephanie Masters
Confluence Financial Partners
Gregory Weimer
Motto Mortgage Keystone
Greg Incardona
Observer Publishing Company
Carole DeAngelo
Stephanie Wagoner
To Our Sustaining Sponsor, Thank You! We Couldn’t Do It Without You.